A few examples of presentations, video asks, etc. Maybe sometime I’ll attach PDFs of print material examples.

Ghosts of Saint Johns – In 2015 and 2016 my wife Karen and I co-chaired the Saint John Episcopal Stewardship Drive. In 2015 Karen gave the homily while I was out of town, so on November 20,2016 it was my turn…

Tulsa Area United Way Day of Caring 2012 – video shot by myself and John Cory. Video editing and production by Yours Truly. My favorite of all the Day of Caring videos, and was the source of the blog post “A Day of Caring. and Cinnamon Rolls.

DonateNow! – a quick video ask from November 10, 2015 that describes the Tulsa Area United Way goal and process in 1 minute. Produced for Facebook and Instagram, with no edits.

DeLonghi Magnifica ESAM 3300 — MY NUMBER ONE VIDEO, with over 19,000 views and counting! Really, it was just a video to educate our staff on how to use the new 2018 espresso machine…I still have that “antique” WordPerfect mug, and in 2021 I got this same model for home.

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