January 6, 2024 Happy New Year 2024! It’s been a minute, hasn’t it? I hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year holiday. An opportunity to be with family, friends, and recharge the batteries. My family and I went…
Green Thoughts
For the past 6 months or so, I’ve been riding shotgun for my daughter while she does her state-required 50 hours of behind-the-wheel driving practice before getting her license. Recently, when accelerating from a stop sign she said “Vrroom-vrrroom.” I…
Fear (of range anxiety) and Loathing in OKC
February 14, 2022 Amid the high price of used cars right now, we’ve been looking off and on for either my daughter’s first car or a car for me so she can take my Honda CR-V. At the same time,…
Built to Last: OverEngineering for fun and profit
In my endless quest for knowledge about everything, I’ve been delving into why people are so rabid about Tesla. It’s fascinating to me how people can be so apparently ambivalent about EVs (and maybe even not care for Elon Musk)…
“Reel Lessons” — The Right Tool for the job, and examples from the History of Technology
Not long ago, I bought myself a Scott’s reel push mower. I’ve always wanted one, and I found one for $20 at our Habitat for Humanity Re:Store. It looked new, but had zero grease in the gears and wasn’t properly…
There’s no place like home…there’s no place like home…
August 23, 2020 Make no mistake; the COVID-19 pandemic is expensive. In a macroeconomic sense: world economies sputter along in low speed, needing fewer of this and that means fewer people employed, making fewer dollars, and national and world GDP…