He’s talking about phones — again. A cautionary tale of technical outcomes and incomplete information. Strap in… Recently my team and I completed a long-overdue VoIP project, spurred on by building a new 60,000-square-foot addition and needing something more modern…
The Long Path
For years as an IT diagnostician, my most sought-after skill was being able to know someone’s mind (and thus their technology needs) well enough to anticipate needs, or at the least being able to translate needs into something I can…
Pining for PINE
Every now and again, I have a technology-themed “Marcel Proust Moment”… In the first volume of Marcel Proust’s ‘Remembrance of Things Past,’ he dunks a cookie into his tea and immediately he’s transported back, into a reverie and remembrance of his…
Play to your Strengths
October 26, 2017 One of the best parts of my profession involves being a tireless seeker of truth, and by extension, information. It’s been a part of me forever. When I was growing up minor arguments would erupt at the…
You don’t know how it feels
October 3, 2017 RIP, Tom Petty… This week I’m at the United Way’s Finance, Talent, and Technology Management Forum in Dallas. It’s my first time here — the UW has recently added “Technology” to the roster of this conference, and…
Abraham Maslow shines his countenance upon the United Way…
When I was a Business Administration student (and Organizational Behavior in particular), we were taught about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Some of which might actually be appropriate…I’ll not bore you with the whole thing, but the essence is that people…
The Dyson of…Firewall/Routers!
I love my Dyson vacuum. It’s a DC14 Animal, and I regularly take it apart and put it in the dishwasher by itself to clean every cyclonic chamber and HEPA filter. I always say: “I like things that just WORK.”…